Ramsey SM100WT Signal Magnet Antenna - Assembled Reviews
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Ramsey SM100WT Signal Magnet Antenna - Assembled Feature
- Pull en that station right out of the noise!
- Outstanding results from 500 KHz to 15 MHz
- High-Q Ferrite Rod antenna with Faraday shield eliminates noise from power lines, light dimmers, most static crashes, and more!
- Pulls in the signal, leaves the noise out!
- Factory assembled & tested
This antenna responds only to the magnetic field of the desired station and ignores the electrostatic field where most interference is found. It does a remarkable job pulling in stations lost down in the noise of powerline crud, fluorescent lamp buzz and light dimmer hash. Plus it's very directional, able to null strong stations on the same or nearby frequencies! Being in Rochester, we developed this antenna to pull in WGR, a 250 watt nighttime station 75 miles away in Buffalo, so we could listen to Buffalo Bills talk radio during the night. You can imagine all the powerline and equipment noise we have here at the factory. So, we came up with this ferrite rod, varactor tuned active antenna that's Faraday shielded - it only responds to the magnetic field - and boy does it do the job! Designed to cover the AM broadcast band, but includes details on building for any frequency range up to 15 MHz; it works gang-busters on Shortwave. Works indoors or out, contained in rugged PVC pipe with a single RG-59 coax cable connector. Operates with up to 500 feet of coax cable (you supply) between antenna assembly and control box (size: 5 x 5 1/4 x 1 1/2 ). This factory assembled version includes a complete Signal Magnet Antenna set factory tuned to the broadcast AM band. Just plug it in and you're ready to go! Operates on external 120 VAC power adapter that is included. Antenna is 9 1/2 x 9 long, L-Shaped 1 pvc pipe with end caps.
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Jul 29, 2011 19:48:04